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Status Page Embedding

To render a customer status page instead of the registration flow, we provide publicVisitId in addition to just the locationId in the configuration options:

const waitwhile = Waitwhile.Embed({
locationId: 'my-location-id',
publicVisitId: 'my-public-visit-id',
// Then we render as usual

Permanent links are a great way to direct customers to a specific page on your site that includes the embedded widget, instantly displaying their status page.

To conditionally load a status page based on a query parameter, simply check the URL before initializing the embed:

const url = window.location.href;
const urlObj = new URL(url);
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const publicVisitId = params.get('visit');
const waitwhile = Waitwhile.Embed({
locationId: 'my-location-id',

When the publicVisitId is present, the status page will be displayed. If not, the script will fall back to the registration process.


Rendering a status page

Here’s a simple example that shows the status page by using a hard-coded value for the visit query parameter, which sets the publicVisitId configuration option.

See Waitwhile Embed - Status page example on CodePen.